Arunachal Pradesh India one of the Beautiful state of north east and it’s capital is itanagar, if you are planning to visit Itanagar, you have to know some important information. Before coming to Arunachal Pradesh make sure you have proper id card approved by Government of India. And you have to make inner line pass. If you are coming by train, then there is a counter for making inner line pass at the station itself. You can make it right there anytime. And if you are coming by road then you will get to make the pass only after 8:00 am. And you have to keep one thing in mind. You should always keep that pass as long as you are in Arunachal Pradesh.
And the Tata Sumo Service is the life line of Arunachal Pradesh if you want to explore Arunachal Pradesh end to end,
Then you must keep Tata Sumo counter contact number with you!
For your ease I have shared a sumo counter contact number. You can use,
Tata Sumo Tickets Counter Contact No. Arunachal Pradesh 7005106600
Tickets Booking Through Whatspp 8132088717